Cloud Native Weekly #8
Understand How Kubernetes API works? What is a descheduler and why do you need one? Some new replacements to popular linux commands and more.
Dear Readers,
I hope you are doing well. I am sharing some articles and projects which have got my attention in last couple of weeks and I find them interesting and worth sharing with you. Always looking for your feedback and support to have Cloud Native Weekly reach more readers like you.
Hand-picked Articles
Working with Kubernetes API Series by Ivan Velichko
In this series, Ivan has shared various aspects of Kubernetes API server with variety of examples and simple to understand explaination.
Kubernetes Descheduler — Save $$ on Kubernetes
You might have heard about Scheduler in Kubernetes, but what is a Descheduler? Why do you need one? The Kubernetes cluster is a very dynamic scheduling and orchestration system, so over a period of time, you will notice that sometimes the utilization on nodes is not balanced. Sometimes, the pod state is changed due to failure and they are moved to other nodes. To tackle this you need better strategies to make your workload either more resilient or sometimes to optimize cost, you need to make denser worker nodes. Descheduler tries to evict pods based on the combination of strategies we pick for our workload. It works great with cluster auto-scaler and Pod disruption budgets.
Which Service Mesh is Better?
AWS Lambda taking Google’s Cloud Run Path
Last week, AWS announced that the popular Lambda functions can now expose the public https endpoint without having an API Gateway. There is a generous free tier in AWS to run Lambda and this will help small scale implementations to create useful event driven systems. - Hype or A Game Changer?
Dagger got a lot of real estate in the news this week as it was launched by the founders of Docker. It is trying to make the CI/CD more portable by creating abstraction on the existing CI/CD systems such as Jenkins, Github Actions etc. It uses CUE — a popular configuration language to define the actions instead of YAML and actions are written in our own programming languages. In my opinion, it is right now at infancy and will take some time to mature. We need to wait to see if it is really going to beat the market. I find it little hard to start with it because of lack of proper documentation and examples.
New Age Linux Commands
We have been using cat
, grep
, find
, man
, awk
etc since the age of Unix. All these commands works great but sometime you want to be fast, better experience, utilize modern multi-core hardware and new performant languages such as Rust. I highly recommend you to try the new commands shared by Julia Evans on her blog. You will surely enjoy using them in your workflow.
Tweet of the week

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