Dear Readers,
I am writing this post after a long gap and I am humbled to get new readers even during the silence 🙏. Now I have more free time, I will be sharing it every week. There are around 523 readers who read this along with you. Please let me know what kind of content you want to read through chat.
Recommended Reading
What’s new in Kubernetes Gateway API (aka Ingress V2)
Ingress in Kubernetes has been for a long time but there were limitations in it such as advanced traffic routing, splitting, etc which various vendors were working in their own way. Gateway API is a set of standards set by the community to evolve over the limitations of Ingress. You can read about them and the various use cases in this article.
Demystifying Kubernetes Iceberg
Anton Sankov has written a series of blog posts explaining the various concepts around the Kubernetes ecosystem. I highly recommend reading this if you are new to the Kubernetes

Scaling Kubernetes to Zero and Back
Think about a typical serverless functionality without actually implementing a serverless solution like Knative. Daniele’s tutorial on how to use Keda HTTP Scaler in Kubernetes to scale down pods when there is no HTTP traffic is quite a useful solution to save costs, particularly in non-production services or low-traffic services. Read here.
Is WebAssembly (WASM) the Next Big Thing?
Some of the Industry veterans who have seen the initial days of containers are comparing WASM with innovations like Docker and it is as important as containers. Also, in the recent episode of the Kubernetes podcast by Google, there are interviews with some of the KubCon attendees who think WASM is the next big thing. Some of the software such as CAD, modelling, image/video editing, gaming etc will be early adopters to get better performance and security by bringing complex computing into the browser.
If you are new to web assembly, I recommend this talk by Guy Royse to understand the evaluation from assembly languages to running a virtual machine sandbox in the browser and servers.
There is a survey published by CNCF about the current usage of WASM →
Deployment Previews on Kubernetes
You might have come across how you see the PR comment with the preview URL of deployment using netlify or vercel. How about getting similar thing for your microservices on Kubernetes platform. Blueground team has shared an excellent approach using ArgoCD ApplicationSets.
Interesting Projects
Kubeshark (Previously Mizu): This provide the capability to tap like wireshark but for Kubernetes to visualize the traffic and troubleshooting.
devstack by razorpay: To provide a cloud native development stack for the developers in their local isolated environment to improve DevEx. Here is the talk about this by the creators.
git-cliff: A highly customizable changelog generator using commit history and some regex patterns
pingsafe (commercial) - A Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform.
Kube Clarity: KubeClarity is a tool for detection and management of Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) and vulnerabilities of container images and filesystems
I would like to share an off topic article “A layoff primer: Prepare for the unexpected” as massive layoffs are happening in the industry. This morning, I also got impacted by the layoff and now I am looking for the next adventure in the cloud native world. I hope you find this primer useful.