#14: Building Cloud Native Community: Some thoughts
Dear Readers,
Sorry for being so inert for not sharing anything in the last 6 months. After founding Cloudraft, I was honestly not getting time to put up content regularly on this newsletter. But, I don’t want to disappoint our 700+ readers who are waiting to hear important news from the cloud native ecosystem every week.
Launching Kubernetes and Cloud Native Indore
The initial discussion started with my co-organizers Rahul & Gaurav, three months ago after finding that we don’t have any activity in cloud native in Indore (a city in the heart of India). Even though there are some companies using cloud native technologies, the sharing of knowledge was limited. Finally, last week, we worked hard to arrange this community in a quick time and got interest from over 100 participants. We wish to continue the momentum to increase the awareness of cloud native technologies in the region.
Here are some photos from the event:

Recommended Articles
Dynatrace’s Kubernetes in Wild report shares insights on how companies are using Kubernetes in their production environment. Following is the crux of the report:
More clusters are now being created in the cloud as compared to on-prem
on-prem clusters are much larger than cloud clusters in terms of capacity
Kubernetes is the new cloud OS, and more auxiliary workload is moving to Kubernetes
The strongest growth is seen in security, CI/CD, and databases
open source technologies are creating a vibrant ecosystem
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Why use Kong API Gateway - Vaibhav shared his opinion on when to use Kong API gateway and a quick demo on a Kubernetes cluster.
Istio graduates - Istio is now a CNCF graduate project. It is a significant milestone in its project showing maturity and adoption in the industry.
Microsoft is archiving OpenServiceMesh (OSM) project and joining hands to contribute to Istio
The ambient mesh feature i.e. Istio without a sidecar is still in its infancy, and not recommended for the Production usecase.
What’s SidecarContainers (Alpha Kubernetes 1.28) - This feature introduces sidecar containers, a new type of init container that starts before other containers but remains running for the full duration of the pod's lifecycle and will not block pod termination. Some interesting discussion is happening on hacker news.
Recommended Talks
As platform engineering is being a hot topic for a while and a lot of people have been confused about it, I would like to recommend seeing this talk by Charity Majors, CTO, Honeycomb.
That’s all for now.